Playground Rules
Playground Rules and Procedures
All Students will:
- Obey playground supervisors.
- Follow school rules for all games as taught by the teacher.
- Use "Rock, Paper, Scissors" in the event of a conflict about turns, and otherdisagreements. Seek the help of Peace Patrol.
- Play in the assigned areas- lower blacktop and grass area.
- Follow safe procedures on all equipment. Students waiting for the swings will wait ata safe distance and may count another student "or by counting to 30. Each time astudent swings forward, it counts as "1" 2nd time forward counts as a two.
- Use and take care of the equipment, restrooms, walls, and tables appropriately.
- Walk on the blacktop at all times.
- Report directly to the class line when the bell rings. Get your drink of water before the bell rings'
- Use kind words at all times!
Students will not:
- Be on the playground unless a supervisor is present.
- Leave the playground without a pass from a supervisor.
- Be in the hallways or between the buildings.
- Kick or throw rocks, acorns, or other objects.
- Fight or play fight (karate kicks, etc.)
- Bring bats, skateboards, or any balls,
- Bring toys of any kind!
- Play in or vandalize the restrooms in any way.
- Chase, bully or push other students.
Students observed following the playground rules may be given "gold tickets" andentered in weekly drawings for prizes.
Students choosing not to follow the rules will be given a "red ticket" (Violationsinvolving student safety or vandalism will be taken directly to the principal.)
- Remember, students should not be on campus before 8:00 since there is nosupervision until that time.
- If a student chooses to have a healthy snack at recess he/she may take one itemfrom the lunch or backpack and eat it under the covered area at the tables near the grass. Trash must be thrown away in the trash cans.
Please discuss these items with your child.